Portraits on the Parkway 2016
Portraits on the Parkway 2016 was three days of whirlwind fun full of old friends, new friends, and lots and lots of beautiful smiles. It was our 11th annual PPW and we look forward to many to come. PPW sessions are for kids ages 5-18. Even though each session is only 10 minutes long, we’re able to create a variety of proofs – usually around 8-12. We target this age, especially because we’ve found that once children start school, we see them less for professional portraits. Many parents use Portraits on the Parkway as an alternative to the school pictures they would be giving to grandparents and displaying in their homes. The quality of the portraits we create is much, much better than a school photograph! The event is fast-paced excitement from start to finish and we look forward to it every year.
Held on the Moses Cone Estate
Mile marker 294 on the Blue Ridge Parkway marks the entrance to the Moses Cone Estate, a 3600-acre nature lover’s paradise. Shady forests and grassy fields surround the house. Once, the summer home of textile entrepreneur Moses Cone, the estate was given to the Blue Ridge Parkway in the mid 1900’s. The gorgeous home, known as Flat Top Manor is now an arts and crafts center. for Portraits on the Parkway, we use the area immediately around the Manor House, the Carriage House, and the Carriage Trails. Sometimes we even make it all the way to the bridge tunnel. A portion of the proceeds from Portraits on the Parkway are donated to the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation.

Portraits on the Parkway
Over three afternoons and evenings, we created hundreds of portraits. Here are some of our favorites from the finished proofs. We love Portraits on the Parkway!!!