Senior Portraits 2019 – When to Schedule?
Summer Senior Portrait Sessions
We know senior year seems so far away but it’s almost senior portrait season! We encourage our senior portrait clients to schedule their session the summer before senior year. Once school begins, schedules get very busy with team practices, homework, and filling out college applications. Our Saturdays are often booked with weddings and we find that schedules are much more flexible in July and August. We’ve got all the information you need to know on our website. There are three fabulous options for having senior portraits created. Take a look HERE. We’re happy to answer your questions.
Seniors From All Over
Every year, we photograph dozens of seniors from Watauga High School, Avery County High School, Ashe County High School and several high schools in Winston-Salem – West Forsyth High School, Regan High School, and Forsyth Country Day School to name a few. We also create senior portraits for seniors from as far away as Houston, TX and Knoxville, TN. Why do seniors come from all over to have us create their portraits? We have over 30 years of combined experience and operate a full-service photography studio. We will help you from start to finish in planning your session, creating your images, viewing your proofs and placing your order. The products we make from your images are the highest quality and are fully guaranteed. Seniors also come to us for their portraits because we live and work in the prettiest place on planet Earth. That’s a fact.
We love creating portraits for seniors because these kinds of portraits give us extra opportunity to be creative with location (so many great ones to choose from), clothing, and props like cars, musical instruments, pets. We’re excited to photograph the Class of 2019.

Blowing Rock Senior Portrait

Boone Senior Portrait

Senior Portrait by Burton Photography

Winston-Salem Senior Portrait on the Blue Ridge Parkway

Senior Portrait Blowing Rock